Unleashing Creativity: Harnessing chainGPT to Generate NFTs from a Single Prompt

4 min readJul 14, 2023



ChainGPT (https://nft.chaingpt.org/) lets you deploy ERC721/ERC1155 and mint NFTs with decentralised IPFS metadata and AI-generated JPGs using text prompts.

My mind is blown on this one…

A short while ago (months not years), the process of minting an NFT was a labyrinth of technicalities and complexities. The procedure began with deploying an ERC721 or ERC1155 contract, ensuring it was airtight and included all required functions. Setting up multiple wallets and testing on a network like Mumbai Testnet if you were using Polygon was a must.

Next, you’d have to navigate the notoriously unreliable process of obtaining MATIC from faucets, followed by compiling and aggregating metadata for your NFTs. Mastering IPFS, as well as development environments like Hardhat or Truffle, and hardware wallets like Trezor, was essential.

The process continued with double-checking for any contract issues, managing blockchain intricacies like gas fees and console logs, updating URIs, and understanding nemonics.

Thankfully, these laborious procedures have been greatly simplified with AI innovations like chainGPT, paving the way for a more accessible future in NFT creation.

This mind-blowing use case incorporates the ability to write a fully-fledged Solidity contract on any Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chain and creates the associated NFT metadata, complete with image creation similar to Dal-E. Let’s delve deeper into how this marvel works!

Understanding chainGPT and its Multilayered Approach

Derived from the powerful GPT-4 architecture by OpenAI, chainGPT’s primary capability lies in understanding and generating human-like text. However, its capabilities go far beyond just text generation.

For instance, if you supply chainGPT with a simple prompt related to an NFT, such as “I want minecraft-looking characters called traders to be minted — tier 1 is least valuable and tier 3 is very valuable”, it springs into action. This single line of text ignites a chain of integrated AI systems that collaborate to interpret the input, generate a unique image, write a Solidity contract for the NFT, and upload the necessary metadata to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

1. Interpretation and Image Creation

Interpretation of the user’s prompt is the first step in the process. chainGPT uses its advanced language understanding capabilities to extract the essence of the user’s request. Next, it communicates this information to an integrated AI similar to Dal-E. Known for its ‘Stable Delusion’ capability, it can transform vague prompts into surreal images, making it ideal for generating unique NFT art.

2. Contract Generation

Once the image is created, chainGPT proceeds to write a fully-fledged Solidity smart contract for minting the NFT on your EVM chain of choice. Solidity, the primary language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform, can be a complex beast. However, chainGPT, armed with its proficiency in natural language processing and programming, makes light work of it, generating a robust, standard-compliant contract from scratch.

3. Metadata Generation and IPFS Upload

Finally, chainGPT generates the necessary metadata for the NFT, which includes vital information like the image’s name, description, and image URL. This metadata is packaged into a JSON file that adheres to the standard ERC721/ERC1155 metadata schema.

But the marvel doesn’t stop here! To ensure the data remains permanently accessible and decentralized, chainGPT uploads the JSON file to the IPFS. As a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system, IPFS provides a perfect solution for hosting NFT metadata.

The Magic of a Single Prompt

The true wonder of chainGPT lies in its ability to coordinate a series of sophisticated operations from a single prompt. Users don’t need to understand the complexities of Solidity, the nuances of AI-generated art, or the technicalities of IPFS. They simply provide a prompt, and chainGPT orchestrates the rest. The combination of these integrated AI systems under one umbrella makes chainGPT an unprecedented tool in the digital world, particularly in the rapidly evolving NFT space.

In conclusion, chainGPT offers an astonishing demonstration of AI’s potential in creative and technical applications. It exemplifies how automation and AI are not only expanding our technical capabilities but also our creative horizons. So, next time when you think of creating an NFT, remember that a single prompt to chainGPT might be all you need!

